Grow your business successfully with historical data using deep learning and anaylze what people is looking for? We are also into the research work in the field of Machine learning and Deep Learning.

Miracle Digital is a Hong Kong base Digital transformation and Digital Marketing agency. We help our clients improve digital services to make them simple, clear and fast.

We provide all kind of services related to set up an office like co-working space, virtual office facility , company formation and professional services .Come & Get our services with full assurance .
商業 / 顧問OneStart Business Centre

Shatin Centre G/F Carpark for Rent 沙田中心地下車位出租

The company is providing interior design services (Interior design only), participating in different interior design for residential, restaurant and office......etc.

British English Centre in Kowloon City. Over 10 successful years of teaching, including phonics, early reading, creative writing etc. Implementing different teaching approaches accordingly.
教學進修 / 語言課程The English Academy (TeaHK)

查詢熱線: 34905223, 承接大.小型佈線工程; 拉電腦線 | 拉上網線 | 拉電話線 | Data Center佈線工程 | Office佈線工程 | 光纖佈線 | 網絡工程 | 網絡佈線 | 電話佈線 | 佈線工程 | 光纖佈線工程 | WiFi工程 | 網絡佈線工程 | 電話佈線工程 | Data Center佈線工程 | 數據中心佈線工程 | 辦公室拉線 | 學校拉線 | 鋪線工程

寵物美容師 (全職) Pet Groomer (Full-Time) – PACIFIC PETS@ Stanley Veterinary Centre -職責:獨立完成全套寵物美容, 手剪造型設計 -工作經驗: 寵物美容 1年或以上

寵物美容師 Pet Groomer (Part-Time) / (Full-Time) – PACIFIC PETS@ Stanley Veterinary Centre

大學程度,擁有多年商業文件及網站翻譯經驗。誠意為中小企及學生們提供中英文翻譯或文章校對修改工作服務 : 專業翻譯 : 商業文件及書信。 產品介紹及說明書。 商業建議書及合約。 大學論文及大專功課。 餐廳餐牌。 註 : 法律文件另議。 服務範圍 : 商業文件及書信。 網站或網誌文字內容翻譯。 註 : 法律文件另議。 英文文章及文件校對及修改(只提供英文校對)。 我的客戶 : 照明節能公司 工程科技公
F商業 / 翻譯Freddie Chan

尖沙咀24小時 10 – 150人場地租用
課室 | 講座 | 會議 | 培訓 | 興趣班
均可使用: 全天候免費wifi、大型電視機、餐飲等設施。

場地租用 / 課室及工作坊VIVA by V&G Business Centre

洗車, 汽車美容, 打蠟, 鍍膜, 貼膜, 換油, 汽車維修, 噴油, Car wash, Coating, Car beauty services, flash shield, water wax film system, coating protection, waxing, aircraft coating

Atelier de Fleur is a floral design company and we offer various floral arrangement services and products 1. Flower deco for wedding and corporate events 2. Floral bouquets 3. Bridal accessories
鮮花及禮籃 / 花店Atelier De Fleur maclinux系統克隆、啟動故障處理。2.系統文件誤删除,驅動盤格式化,中病毒。3.内置外置硬碟讀碟慢,異敲盤,通電無反應。4.NAS故障,RAID捐壊,SOL碎片重組處理。5.SSD USB SDTF card提示格式化,不能讀取,芯片發熱6.舊機程式升級到新機運作,硬件升級。7.網絡安装,|P設定,網絡線路鋪設。8.監控安装,網絡防護,故障緊急處理。

經驗會計/薄記,安排審計;新公司進行首次會計有優惠,信心可靠,免費報價,歡迎查詢 Experienced & reliable bookkeeping service, arrange audit services. Bookkeeping service discount allowed to newly established company. Welcome enquiry.
G商業 / 會計及稅務Gold Treasury Accounting and Finance Centre

Class IV high power laser light show special effects graphics and live laser animation. Professional high power laser rentals provided to film shoots, concert tours, trade shows, corporate events
表演藝術 / 設備出租Custom International Laser Light Show Rental
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